Our services
What We offer

Block Chain Services

Auto lending

A platform that simplifies the indirect auto finance process

Cross-border payments

A working prototype, part of the digital bank, built on top of Stellar and Ripple blockchain rails

Crypto tags

Secure digital identity plus marketplace potential for physical goods

Customer onboarding

digital bank accelerator’s broader microservices architecture

services and solutions

Blockchain technology is emerging as a business focus for organizations in several industries, including consumer products, manufacturing, financial services, health care, life sciences, and public sector. Parthinfotech helps organizations achieve many goals with respect to blockchain implementation—innovation and ideation, strategy development, prototyping, and product development.

What We offer



The Data stored in blockchain is immutable and cannot be changed easily. Also the data is added to the block after it is approved by everyone in the network and thus allowing secure transactions. Those who validate the transactions and add them in block are called miners.


Blockchain is Decentralized as well as an open ledger. Ledger is the record of the transactions done and because it is visible to everyone, therefore is called an open ledger. No individual or organization is incharge of the transactions. Each and every connection in the blockchain network has a same copy of the ledger. Blockchain is Decentralized network i.e., it has no central authority to control the network as there is in the client server model.

peer to peer network

Blockchain provide a peer to peer network. This allows the transactions to involve only two parties, the sender and the receiver. Thus it removes the requirement of ‘third party authorisation’ because everyone in the network is themselves able to authorise the transactions.


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